Here’s a list of common dialect codes that you can use in Dialogic for Text-to-Speech (TTS) based on Google Cloud TTS. These dialect codes allow you to specify regional accents and variations for supported languages in Dialogic:

Here’s a list of available dialects and their corresponding codes that Dialogic users can use as a reference, based on Google’s supported Wavenet dialects:

English Dialects:

  • United States: en-US
  • United Kingdom: en-GB
  • Australia: en-AU
  • India: en-IN
  • Canada: en-CA

French Dialects:

  • France: fr-FR
  • Canada: fr-CA

German Dialects:

  • Germany: de-DE
  • Austria: de-AT

Spanish Dialects:

  • Spain: es-ES
  • Mexico: es-MX
  • United States: es-US

Italian Dialect:

  • Italy: it-IT

Portuguese Dialects:

  • Portugal: pt-PT
  • Brazil: pt-BR

Chinese Dialects:

  • Mandarin (Simplified, Mainland): cmn-CN
  • Mandarin (Traditional, Taiwan): cmn-TW

Arabic Dialect:

  • Saudi Arabia: ar-SA

Russian Dialect:

  • Russia: ru-RU